Daily Prompt – When I Had Surgery

Have you ever had surgery? What for?


I had one, so far.

I underwent kidney stones removal surgery back in 2020, during the height of COVID-19 pandemic.

It was certainly scary for me for number of reasons but thankfully, the surgery was a success.

I wrote about this in detail after going through it, so here’s a recap:

Here’s the detail about what am I doing here in a hospital since yesterday:

Back in June this year, I felt a pain on my lower right back side on early morning. At first, I thought it was a muscular pain and tried to ignore it but that pain wasn’t a muscular one as after a while of enduring it, it started to remind me about what I went through 18 years ago.

Flashback to 2002, when a stone in my right kidney was spotted, I suffered from an intense level of pain and suffering. I just graduated from college then and was ready to apply for jobs.

At that time, I opted for medicine treatment and got cured by regular usage of it. My lab reports also came out clear after the treatment, so I felt great.

Now fast forward June 2020, right after 18 years, I felt that same pain on the same side, though of less intensity. I was taken to the ER later, where I was treated properly.

An ultrasound then revealed that both of my kidneys are now home to stones. A big stone in the left one and a small one in the right.

I was advised to undergo through PCNL treatment for the stones removal but I again opted for medicines treatment. I started it up and didn’t suffered from that pain again. I also increased my water intake, which increased the number of trips to the washroom. But this was much better than enduring that pain again.

But what’s inside of me wasn’t going to leave me that easily!

On 15th September, I felt that pain once again, on the same right side. Another trip to the ER, along with the CT scan this time, revealed that the smaller stone on the right side has slided down in to my urinal tube and its removal is crucial now.

The CT scan also revealed that the big one left side is still in the kidney and it is causing a mild level of swelling there, so it’s removal is also critical.

After consulting my family and making arrangements for the treatment through insurance, I decided to to go for the surgical procedures, both of different types.

Yesterday was spent in giving samples for different types of blood and urine tests. A COVID-19 PCR test was also conducted and the result is negative, which is very good.

This will be the first time for me when I will go through a surgical treatment. I don’t smoke, drinking is forbidden in Islam as I’m a Muslim and stayed away from drugs or any other similar things my entire life.

I’m little nervous about what would happen to me and how much time will I need to get back on my feet because laying on a hospital bed for past 36 hours has been a really strange experience.

7 thoughts on “Daily Prompt – When I Had Surgery

  1. Sadje June 29, 2024 / 3:39 PM

    It always wise to address the issue as they come up. You did a wise thing in getting the stones removed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hammad Rais June 29, 2024 / 8:25 PM

      The medicines weren’t so effective, so I had to make a decision.
      Since then, it is all about staying hydrated and banning myself over the softdrinks.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sadje June 29, 2024 / 10:00 PM

      Very sensible! Sodas aren’t good for us anyway.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Hammad Rais June 30, 2024 / 11:44 PM

      Exactly right!
      Rest of my family is also following my footsteps in the regard.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Sadje July 1, 2024 / 3:42 AM

      That’s good. I was asked not to have carbonated drinks after my stomach surgery and I have not felt their loss. Empty calories and chemicals!


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