Post I Like: Sing For Me & Falling Rain

I did thought for a moment about titling this post as Singin’ In The Rain but that didn’t seemed right to me. After all, Gene Kelly is far more suited to sing in the rain than me, a guy with a runny nose today.

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Eyes Softly Shut – Night Version

My very first post that received a double figures of likes was Eyes Softly Shut.

I wrote it up after watching a panaflex board of a beauty salon featuring a girl with her eyes closed. Her closed eyes reminded me of an old Pakistani song about speaking eyes.

Then one day, I translated the lyrics of that song in English and took a photo of the board also. And so Eyes Softly Shut was created and published. I received many likes and views on it, which was great. Then I took another photo of that same board during night but didn’t shared it. Continue reading

Post I Like: Relaxing Music

Feeling tired? Mind begging you to stop thinking and just close your eyes?

Then do so without wasting a moment because a rest to refresh ourselves is the best what we can give to not only our body, but also to our souls.
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The Rhythm Of Unity

Oh, just before we go towards those snow filled mountains, here is a great shot of Lahore‘s Food Street, where you can enjoy all Pakistani cuisines. There are two main food streets in Lahore and both of them offer all sorts of local traditional cuisines as well as continental dishes.

And I can assure you, your taste buds will never be the same once you taste Lahori Food.

These 2 pictures are of Fort Road Food Street which is located to adjacent to Badshahi Mosque.

Zia's Trip (47)

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Trees So Green

Looking the trees above on a Friday afternoon, this is what I saw:

Tree So Green Continue reading

Songs Of My Childhood

Childhood is such a great era of our lives. It is the time that made us what we are today.

CassetteTape Continue reading

Back In The Summer Of

Summer, a simple 6-letter word with so much power, joy, happiness and all other great things you can think of. There’s something special about summer. It smells different, the air you breath is not the same anymore, the colors seems more brighter.

Back in the summer of Continue reading

Mind Concert

How many times you have suffered from this: a song or jingle of a TV ad or serial got stuck in your head and it just won’t leave, no matter what you do?

Mind Music

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Stayin’ Alive

Open Road

Posting after the gap of 10+ days, I just want to let you know that I’m still here & will post more. For last 10+ days, I was working on a “mega” project in my office and didn’t got enough time to post more on my blog. Continue reading